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This tale is a story of an alternate universe. It is a story of Squirrel Girl told by the Teller of the tale. The world of the alternate universe is very much like our own world. And like our world, there are happy hours, and it is a place where sufferings happen, like wars. Additionally, pandemic breaks out, and in this world, the pandemic had been engineered and spread. However, pockets of magic burst open more than it is expected, and it is a world where a great number of dukes and kings exists. Then there is a bartender that is like a sorcerer that could create magical elixirs at a bar that Squirrel Girl frequently haunts.

In this alternate universe, a young woman, Aislinn, after a tragedy, finds herself transformed into Squirrel Girl. And after the change, Squirrel Girl that had been Aislinn discovers that she could hear Wind that heeded her call. No one can quite know the identity of Wind that had blown from nowhere. Thereafter, Squirrel Girl finds herself able to hear the bees and other creatures in the world of the alternate universe.

As the Teller starts the story, the tale reads like a fairy tale and pulls you into the enchanting realm, where possibilities are limitless. Then occasionally, the story turns into an allegory. This story is about love, and it is full of humor, both subtle and outright hilarious. With Wind that guides her, Aislinn sheds her grief and wears her new identity that is Squirrel Girl with daring. She embroils herself into the adventure that is led by Wind and meets friends and lovers like Wolf, Hedgehog, and many others.