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The sea called out to Squirrel Girl. It was time for another visit to the sea. The Corona lingered. It did not understand that it was not welcomed. Thus, a day visit to the sea was what Squirrel Girl decided. Thankfully, Lucky Ducky and Sly Foxy decided to accompany her. It was unfortunate that Dragonfruit could not go with them, but Squirrel Girl promised to send her pictures. Soon, Squirrel Girl packed her bikini and the two girls into her little sedan and took off. 

It was a wonder that Lucky Ducky allowed Squirrel Girl to drive again after the last time they went to Virginia Beach and ended up with Lucky Ducky squealing when Squirrel Girl barely escaped from getting hit by a car. Indeed, why would Lucky Ducky allow to be driven by Squirrel Girl? But as Squirrel Girl commented, they didn’t get killed. There was no incident, no complaints to file … In truth, being with Squirrel Girl was the safest thing in the world. Wind was always blowing to drive the Corona away, and the rain washed away what was not deemed clean. Was it why the four-leaf clovers were trailed wherever Girl went walking? 

Well, no one was perfect. If Squirrel Girl drove a little recklessly, one needed to pardon her. Besides, a little bit of danger was good for the soul. It allowed Lucky Ducky to practice her vocal cord. Squirrel Girl never knew that Lucky Ducky could squeal so loudly. It was a revelation.

Not surprisingly, Sly Foxy was always so calm with Squirrel Girl. She was immune to her antics. Or it could simply have been that she was too absorbed about eating pasta at Il Giardino in Virginia Beach. It was the go-to place for the girls whenever they went to Virginia Beach. The service was exceptional and the food was comfort food that widened your smile—not the usual Mona Lisa smile for Squirrel Girl.

While Squirrel Girl drove, Lucky Ducky was good about keeping her awake with her lively conversation. Before they knew it, they faced the sea, which welcomed them. The sea was glad to see Squirrel Girl who loved their music. 

The sea sang out, “Squirrel Girl, you are here once more … we awaited your return, and we heard that you went sailing and didn’t ‘feed’ the fishes.”

Ah, thought Squirrel Girl. The chatty waves had been gossiping about. Their network of information was impressive. She was close to “feeding” the fishes, but thanks to Wind, she did not.

Squirrel Girl smiled and responded, “I couldn’t  stay away for too long.”

Indeed, Squirrel Girl could not resist the embrace of the sea. She loved it when they pounded her body with excitement. Girl laughed with abandon when the waves caused her to fall. It was the only time you enjoyed falling. When she fell, the waves acted like hands, they captured her and caught her in their arms. 

“You trust us, therefore we catch you and raise you up …”

Yes, Squirrel Girl did trust the waves. They could engulf her, but her trust in them caused them to create hands that lifted her up. In trust, the waves reacted. If you feared them, they dragged you under the deep depths of the sea. Soon, her long hair dripped like the mermaids. The taste of the sea revived her soul, or it simply could have been that she lacked minerals in her squirrel diet. She reminded herself to eat more seaweed when she returned home.

Before setting for home, they had dinner at Il Giardino. The best thing about Il Giardino was the wine. The restaurant knew how to keep the customers coming back. When they first visited, one male waiter knew his ware, he picked out wines for them and shocked the girls’ palettes. One does not go to the beach for food and wine, but the three girls did and missed Dragonfruit. The girls made an oath to revisit when they had something to celebrate, and the waitress recognized them. How could they not? It was not everyday that you got to see Squirrel Girl, Lucky Ducky, and Sly Foxy with her knowing smile. That smile of hers irked Squirrel Girl. What did she know that I didn’t was what Girl wondered. 

“We are regulars here … just place our pictures on the wall,” joked Squirrel Girl to the waitress.

As the sun was setting and after they promised the sea to return, they rushed to reach home for Sly Foxy had to work the next day. When no sounds came out of tired Lucky Ducky and Sly Foxy, Squirrel Girl drove like a demon on wheels. She loved to drive to Virginia Beach for the speed limit was higher on the main highway, and she regretted that she didn’t own a Ferrari. But if she ever did, it was certain that she would smile with glee as she frightened Lucky Ducky. 

Even with heavy traffic, Squirrel Girl used the “zip codes” to get around the traffic. No, the “zip codes” were  not  the ones for posting love letters. Squirrel Girl used the pockets of space in the traffic to zip around to gain speed. It worked. She gained them time. When the girls awoke, they were close to home and smiled for they trusted  her as Squirrel Girl trusted the waves. Girl was like a shepherdess. She never lost a single sheep and knew how to keep them to the way.