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It was the weekend, and we needed an escape. The idea of a visit to a winery felt like a school field-trip. Suddenly, we were young again. The Rocklands Farm Winery was not that distant from the hubbub of the city, but the roads that led to it were like the country roads. The gently rolling hills reminded me of the English countryside, and we all gasped at the beauty of it all as the trees leaned toward the roads as if greeting us. Indeed, I had an urge to wave back at them.

To enter the Rocklands Farm Winery, we had to cross a one-way bridge. I chuckled thinking that we would not want to meet an enemy on such a bridge. Once we crossed it, we arrived at the winery. Parking was rather confusing, but we made do by parking at the site where we could find space. Carpool is recommended. As we excitedly got out of our cars, we were again overcome by the lovely setting that surrounded us. On a hill was the family home. It was old. What was noticeable was a single, ancient tree that was next to the home. It could not be overlooked for it was scarred from age, which was applied with tar to save it somehow. Some of us thought it creepy, but I liked it immensely for it managed to stand doggedly. It caused me to feel humble for it would not give in to the element and years that battled against it.

After soaking up the beauty of the farm, we headed to the tasting bar. We spread out in small groups to find space. We didn’t want to appear like a stampede and startle everyone inside the tasting room. We wanted to be courteous since there were so many of us. 

It would have been dreadful if people were to exclaim, “What! Who are all these people? Are they the crazy-rich-Asians?”

Some of us chose to purchase three tastes of wine and took the glasses outdoors to enjoy it, but few of us decided to try the six tastes of wine, which costs $14 per person. Our knowledgeable wine server was friendly, and we had a grand time. She even allowed me to take a picture of her for my blog. Soon, we felt the lightness that comes from sipping wine. Like Dionysus the god of wine, we found ourselves becoming merry. Something about wine, it brings people closer. We became chatty and saluted our neighbors who were strangers. When more friends arrived, they found us giggling.

I giggled as I greeted them, “We are already tipsy.”

After the tasting was over, It was a good time to think of eating and we headed out. Although the picnic baskets were allowed, the winery tempted us with delicious foods at the site. My favorite was the paella. After tasting wine, the aromatic paella was perfect. Food always tasted better out-of-doors and we ate heartily as we clinked our wine glasses. Yet, what made the wine and food taste so good was the company of friends. When you want to create lasting memories, the winery is a perfect setting. The laughter sounds better when chorused with friends. Let us cheer to that.