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In memory of my step-father-in-law Mike, who was an Irishman, I am writing this blog for Saint Patrick’s Day. May the luck of the Irish be with you all! I am going to write about the four-leaf clovers. I have a strange knack for finding four-leaf clovers. I have a big book stuffed full of four-leaf clovers. My friend calls me lucky, but I am not lucky at all (at least not yet). As I walk through my neighborhood and explore, I find many four-leaf clovers. Sometimes, I will find five-leaf, six-leaf, and seven-leaf clovers; however, the four-leaf clovers are special to me because I belong to a club called the Four-Leaf Clover Club, which consists of my three friends and me. We are composed of different races and cultures: L is an African-American, C is a blue-eyed lady from the south, L is half Asian and half American, and I am Asian. We truly embody America—a melting pot.

If anyone should see me afar, through a window, as I search for four-leaf clovers, he/she may become irritated and say, stop stripping the neighborhood of four-leaf clovers.  People who see me may get worried that I will harvest all the four-leaf clovers, which will then become extinct.

I never thought of us, the Four-Leaf Clover Club, as being lucky, but C, who was left out of our trip to Las Vegas, complained that we were foolish to have not taken her because we were more like a shamrock instead of a four-leaf clover (the shamrock I am talking about is the three-leaf that symbolizes the Holy Trinity). Yet, the luck followed us and two of us won some money. When I told this to C, she replied, “You would have won more money if you guys took me as well.” Well, she may be right, which is very regrettable because we may have won millions.

When C decides to keep a grudge, she will not let go. She reminds me of a crab that I caught once. I caught a crab with a net and my finger was pinched by it when I tried to pry it off from the net. I shook it but it just pinched me harder. C is like that; she won’t let go. Yet, how we love her. She is very lovable, smart, and funny. Now, I think I had better not forget to say that she is cute as well or she will never forgive me, and she is indeed adorable-looking. She talks with a touch of the southern twang, which is very charming.

Anyhow, I was talking about how good I am about finding the four-leaf clovers. My friend L tried finding one, but she could never find any and was baffled by my ability to find them. She thinks of them as rarities, but the four-leaf clovers are not very hard to find. However, I found two four-leaf clovers near a post office that felt very special to me. Normally, I look for the four-leaf around my home, so finding them where I did not expect to find was very exciting. The reason for the excitement was because I felt that I heard them calling to me (don’t worry, I am not crazy). It was very ludicrous, but I felt a strong conviction that there was a four-leaf nearby. It happened as I was just about to enter a post office. Amused, I hovered over a patch of clovers. To my surprise, I found two right away. I could not help smiling because I did feel that I had a strange knack for finding them as my friend suggested. So then, perhaps I should go back to Las Vegas and try my luck again?